
Feel Like a Kid at Taipei Children’s Amusement Park

Taipei Children’s Amusement Park in Shilin might seem like a random choice for an adult outing, but bear with us — entrance to the park is actually free, there are no ridiculous lines for rides, and most rides only cost about $30. And you can pay with your EasyCard. Now, obviously, the park is going to be way more fun if you’re a kid, or with your kids. Obviously. But still, it’s an easy spot to access and definitely friendly on the old bank account, so take a look at what’s on offer.

Located about ten minutes from Shilin MRT Station, Taipei Children’s Park is right next to both the National Taiwan Science Education Center and the Taipei Astronomical Museum, making it a great place for a family outing. The park is on the smaller side — it doesn’t take long to walk from one end of the other — with food stands and arcade games dotted throughout. There is also a big amphitheater for performances.

Entertainers come on periodically with the same sort of tricks that you would see in Ximen or near Taipei 101.

Rides at the park are geared towards children, with some of them having tiny little seats. Still, there are a couple of rides suited to adults, such as the Ferris Wheel, (small) roller coaster, swinging pirate ship, etc. There are probably a bunch more, but we weren’t brave enough to test them out. There is also a massive slide that takes you from the top level of the park right down to the bottom. It costs $60 per ride and looks absolutely amazing. There is a height requirement, and allegedly adults are also allowed to ride — but we didn’t test our luck. Next time!

We expected to see lots of kids (which we did), but to our surprise, we also saw lots of young couples on a date. And then it hit us — it’s actually a great date spot because it’s A) unconventional B) cheap C) fun. Also, you’re unlikely to run anyone you know. Unless you know a lot of six-year-olds.

Another surprise bonus is that the park is a great place to witness the sunset, especially when you’re on the Ferris Wheel. Romantic, right?

We didn’t expect to like the park as much as we did, but in the end we all agreed that we would come here for a date, at least once. Taipei is full of great nature and food, but sometimes it’s nice to switch it up a bit. The park may not have crazy rides, but it’s also free and within the city limits, and the killer sunset in the Ferris Wheel is romance on a silver platter.

What’s the vibe?

A small amusement park for families. Lots of young Taiwanese couples on dates.

Worth it?

For families: YES. For adults with no kids: as long as you remember you’re gate-crashing a kid’s theme park, yes! Don’t go there expecting the sort of rides you’d find at regular theme parks.

Would you go back?

Only for a sunset date on the Ferris Wheel. We’d definitely head to a bigger theme park if we were going for the rides!

Taipei Children's Amusement Park
Chinese Name: 臺北市兒童新樂園
Hours: 9am – 8pm
Phone: 02 2833 3823#105
English Address: No. 55, Section 5, Chengde Road, Shilin District, Taipei City, 11169
Chinese Address: 11169台北市士林區承德路五段55號

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